Monday, February 16, 2015

Colossians 3:1-4

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."

Life has been a lot different in the last three years.  Four and a half years ago I gave birth to my second son.  He's a delight.  He's full of energy.  He's very lovable.  He looks at you with those big brown eyes and you melt.  But he's had his fair share of issues.  He was non verbal for the first three years of his life.  He now has words, but it's considered non-productive speech.  He struggles getting you to understand him.  He was diagnosed with having autism the week of Thanksgiving this past year.  It's like living for four years with having a newborn child.  They can't tell you where they hurt.  They can't tell you what they want.  When he got lost because he wandered outside of the gate of daycare he couldn't tell anyone who he was or where he belonged.  

As one can imagine life doesn't stop for these sorts of things.  I still have a second child who is extremely smart.  He's so well versed in many things.  He loves video games, but he loves Youtube even more.  He is someone who has the heart of a giver.  He's sensitive and loves to learn.  He's been great with his brother, and understanding that at times we can't do things or other times we need to do them a certain way because of something that may be happening in that moment.  

So this verse is very meaningful to me.  When I had my miscarriage I was angry at God.  I didn't understand why this happened.  I have struggled this time around, but I haven't necessarily blamed God this time.  I instead have had to depend even more on him.  My family isn't as supportive as I need.  I have been told I am a horrible mom.  I have been told that I need to do things on my own because I made certain choices.  Many times I feel I am out on my own.  At one point right around Christmas I mentioned how the discouraging comments and put downs made me wish that I wasn't even born.  Someone who I felt the closest to in my family said, "yeah me too."  They later said they didn't mean it, but it's led me to lean on God.  Yeah I'm struggling, but like Mandisa's song says I am an "Over Comer."  I have reached out for help, and for whatever reason people haven't returned phone calls.  It seems like you take one step forward and ten backwards many times, but like Colossians says you must set you sights on the heavenly things because God is our only constant in life.  Unfortunately for whatever reason the people of this world leave your side, and those who are supposed to be your support leave you, but not God.  I just wanted to encourage you.  Whatever you're facing....God is there.  

Overcomer by Mandisa